過去の学会発表 2020〜2021
2021/3/15 Keiichiro Shiraga: Highly precise characterization of the hydration state upon thermal denaturation of globular protein. The 4th Aquaphotomics International Conference, Online (Invited).
2021/3/11 小川雄一,菊池正二郎,"水の誘電緩和に着目したCMOSバイオセンサ”,電子情報通信学会2021年総合大会 スマートヘルスケアを支える集積回路技術と応用(招待講演), オンライン開催
2021/1/18 小川雄一,"水のテラヘルツ分光に基づく細菌検査用センサの開発”, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会シンポジウムS-01スマート農食産業(招待講演), オンライン開催
2020/12/02 Khaliduzzaman: Estimation of Refractive Index of Eggshell in Intact Egg Using Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy. The 4 th International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and its Applications (ISPhOA) 2020 (Virtual).
2020/12/01 Yuichi Ogawa: Understanding of the dynamics of water molecules by using terahertz spectroscopy and its bio-applications (Keynote). The 4 th International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and its Applications (ISPhOA) 2020 (Virtual).
2020/11/30 Khaliduzzaman: Non-destructive Estimation of Shell Thickness and Refractive Index of Intact Quail Egg Using Terahertz Spectroscopy (Poster). Kyoto University International ONLINE Symposium 2020 on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia (Virtual).
2020/11/27 近藤 直:応用物理学会第157回微小光学研究会,特別講演,果実の特性を生かした選別ロボット−農産物生産施設や植物工場等の施設における自動化・ロボット技術−,京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館大セミナー室
2020/11/27 Khaliduzzaman: Bio-Sensing Technology for Agricultural Sciences. The 4th Workshop on Kyoto University-Mahidol University On-Site Laboratory, Japan (Virtual).
2020/11/5 Yoshito Saito: Application of Spectroscopy and Imaging Techniques to Reduce Food Loss in Post-harvest, the International Smart Food Chain Symposium 2020, 2020, Japan
2020/9/29 近藤 直: 令和2年度第2回GEFP研究会,招待講演「「食料―環境」のトレードオフ問題の解決のためのセンシング技術」Online
2020/9/17 Kondo Naoshi:ICOSICA 2020 International Conference on Computer Science and Its Applicationin Agriculture, Invited Speech, “Sensing Systems for Smart Agriculture”, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia 
2020/7/29-30 Kondo Naoshi:International training on Automation and Robotics in Agriculture, "Sensing Systems and Automation in Agriculture", Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjub Agricultural University under National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), Indian Council of Agricultural Research )ICAR), India (July 29 and 30, 2020)
2020/7/13-15 Khaliduzzaman:Non-invasive sensing egg yolk content to detect viable chick hatchlings. 2020 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting
2020/3/28 Khaliduzzaman:Gender difference in UV-induced fluorescence image of non-incubated chicken eggs. Spring meeting of Japan Poultry Science Association (JPSA)
2020/3/11 白神慧一郎 ”テラヘルツ帯の分光情報で探る水分子の水素結合ダイナミクス”,日本分光学会先端レーザー分光部会若手シンポジウム, 筑波大学,(招待講演)