Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 01 Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 02 Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 03 Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 04 Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 05 Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University 06
We would like to make a social contribution through collaborative researches with research institutes and companies. Please let us know, if you are interested in our research activities. We welcome your participation in our Open Seminar.
We hold Laboratory Seminars and Open Seminars sponsored by our laboratory as below.
Any participants are welcome to the seminars.
Lab-Seminar(Tuesday, 14:45-18:00)
Apr.16(Tue): Panintorn, Chen Siyao, Daniele
Apr.23(Tue): Yamashige, Gao Tianqi,Zheng Ziwei
Apr.30(Tue): Shibasaki, Tamura, Vincent
May.7(Tue): Yasuhara (JDP:30), Bodin(16:00-)
May.14(Tue): Kim(DP:30), Iwasaki(16:00-)
May.21(Tue): Inoue(JDP:30), Kadowaki(16:00-)
May.28 (Tue): Sato(JDP:30), Maeda(16:00-)
June 4(Tue): Yang Xianhe(DP:30), Yamamoto(16:00-)
June 11(Tue): Maulidia(DP:30), Iinomi(16:00-)
June 25(Tue): Nina, Thomas, Jean Keiko, Yobo
July.2(Tue): Iwashiro, Tsukamoto, Hijiya, Bessho
July.9(Tue): Kim, Yasuhara, Inoue
July.16(Tue): Sato, Yang, Maulidia
July.23(Tue): Occasional day
Lab Event
2023/8/26, 27
Information of 2023 summer seminar.
You can join from the URL below (28th, Aug).
2024/03/09 白神慧一郎: "角質層中における2種類の水分子が担う役割の解明", 第11回皮膚の会, 熊本
2023/12/20 安原晃弘, 門脇遥香, 山重貴久, 山口裕資, 白神慧一郎, 近藤直, 小川雄一 :"460 GHz 照射がアクチン伸長作用を与える照射条件の検討", テラヘルツ科学の最先端X, 東北大学
2023/12/20 白神慧一郎, Zheng Ziwei, Chen Siyao, 山重貴久:"広帯域誘電分光に基づくテラヘルツ波スペクトルの理解とその応用", テラヘルツ科学の最先端X, 東北大学
2023/12/15 近藤 直”スマート農食産業に貢献する光センシング”,(一社)電子情報通信学会 光通信システム研究専門委員会,第37回光通信システムシンポジウム「国際社会を支える光通信技術が向かう先〜新しい社会に期待されるイノベーション〜」
2023/12/6 細木亮輔,川田晃士,山重貴久,井澤克秋,菊池正二郎,小川雄一,原田昌彦,「フッ化炭素溶媒は大腸菌・出芽酵母の酸化ストレスを抑制し増殖を促進する」,第46回日本分子生物学会年会, 兵庫
2023/12/5 森田 美穂,田 広之,小川 雄一,「テラヘルツ波全反射減衰分光法を用いた塗布物で覆われた角層の水分計測」,第1回日本化粧品技術者会,大宮ソニックシティ
2023/12/2 井澤克秋,細木亮輔,山重貴久,川田晃士,日高將文,尾間由佳子,菊池正二郎,小川雄一,瀬戸山寛之,廣沢一郎,原田昌彦,「フッ素系不活性溶媒添加による微生物・細胞増殖促進メカニズム解析」,公益社団法人日本農芸化学会東北支部第158回大会,宮城
2023/12/2 吉田志緒美,露口一成,菊池正二郎,川野貴史,山重貴久,小川雄一,伊藤功朗,新井徹,「半導体バイオセンサを用いたヒト結核菌における亜集団生態解析法の開発」,第54回結核・非定型抗酸菌症治療研究会,東京
2023/11/28-29 山重貴久,菊池正二郎,陳思遥,細木亮輔,原田昌彦,小川雄一,「65-GHz帯での水の誘電応答を利用した迅速細菌検査法の開発」,日本微生物生態学会第36回大会,アジア微生物生態シンポジウム第13回大会,静岡
2023/11/17 川野貴史,菊池正二郎,山重貴久,小川雄一,吉田志緒美,伊藤功朗,露口一成,「半導体バイオセンサを用いたヒト結核菌に対する迅速薬剤感受性検査法の開発」,第70回日本臨床検査医学会学術集会,長崎
2023/11/14 Keiichiro Shiraga, Suzune Nagao: "Exploring the world of intracellular water with terahertz spectroscopy", The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan, Nagoya.
2023/11/14 Mizuki Yamamoto, Naoshi Kondo, Yuichi Ogawa, Keiichiro Shiraga: "Investigation of hydration state around proteins to elucidate the role of water in enzyme reactions", The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan, Nagoya.
2023/10/20 白神慧一郎, Zheng Ziwei, Chen Siyao: "水の分子間伸縮振動における分光学的帰属の解明", 第45回溶液化学シンポジウム, 山形大学
2023/9/27-29 Naoshi Kondo: Innovations in protected cultivation: Automation and robotics for crop production-Start with Fluorescence Sensing for Solving the Trade-off Problem “Food-Environment”, Invited Speech, Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
2023/7/6 HUANG Zichen: Fluorescence imagings for non-destructive inspecting strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) in postharvest stage, Invited Speech, The 9th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2023), Macao, China
2023/5/20 HUANG Zichen: Research Progress of Japanese Harvesting Robot in Facility Agriculture, Invited Speech, the 7th World Intelligence Congress Intelligent Agriculture Summit Forum & International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture (ICIA 2023), Tianjin, China
2023/5/19 Naoshi Kondo: Smart Livestock for sustainable animal production with higher welfare, Invited Keynote Speech, the 7th World Intelligence Congress Intelligent Agriculture Summit Forum & International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture (ICIA 2023), Tianjin, China
2023/5/13 小川雄一: "テラヘルツ波からミリ波の電磁波は生物資源利用や食品加工等に応用できるか?"(招待講演), 第6回農業食料工学会 食料・食品工学部会シンポジウム, 岐阜大学
Chair of Bioproduction Engineering Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa-Oiwakecho,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, JAPAN 606-8502
(Faculty of Agriculture Main Building S-250)
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