過去の学会発表 2021〜2022
2022/3/25 白神慧一郎:”テラヘルツ分光を用いた水の状態評価”,日本化学会 第102春季年会シンポジウム 「赤外線の化学利用―近赤外からテラヘルツまでー」
2022/3/5,6 Yuichi Ogawa:International Symposium on Future Trends of Terahertz Semiconductor Technologies 2022 (TST2022), Invited speaker, "CMOS Dielectric sensors and Their Applications Created by Terahertz Spectroscopy Research", (Hybrid, 2022, 3/5-6)
2021/12/20 近藤 直:第10回JICA-JISNASフォーラム,基調講演「留学生とのネットワーク構築の取り組みについて−京都大学農学研究科G30プログラム以降の例より−」(online, 2021, 12/20)
2021/12/14 Naoshi Kondo:International Seminar on The Development of Agricultural Engineering and Congress of The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Engineering, ISAE, Keynote speaker ”Current Status and Future Development of Agricultural Engineering in Japan” (online, 2021, 12/14)
2021/12/10 斎藤嘉人:”短波長赤外(SWIR)画像と深層学習によるバレイショの外部欠陥種別の分類”,農業食料工学会シンポジウム「第26回テクノフェスタ」 フードチェーン分科会
2021/11/26 Miho Morita:“The water-holding mechanism of glycerol revealed by microwave and mid-infrared spectroscopy: coexistence of strong and weak hydrogen bonds”、テラヘルツ科学の最先端VIII
2021/11/25 森田美穂:“超広帯域複素誘電率スペクトルが明らかにするグリセロールの保水様式”、第59回日本生物物理学会年会
2021/11/25 松村郁希、四方俊幸、小川雄一、鈴木哲仁、近藤直、白神慧一郎: “水和水のOH伸縮振動バンドに基づく生体保護作用を持つ小分子の水素結合強化作用の評価”、第59回日本生物物理学会年会
2021/10/26, 27 Naoshi Kondo:2021 International Conference on Smart Agriculture, Prenary speech, ”Start with Sensors for Reduction of Food Loss and Waste to Contribute to the Sustainable Agriculture”, Council of Agriculture (COA, Executive Yuan R.O.C., Taiwan), co-organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) and implemented by CPC, a management consulting institute based in Taiwan. (online, 2021 10/26, 27)
2021/9/15 芝崎美月、鈴木哲仁、斎藤嘉人、福島護之、Nanding Li、藤浦建史、大前孝彦、西木紀夫、近藤直: “黒毛和種全血の表面蛍光に基づく PLS 回帰分析による血中レチノール濃度推定”、日本畜産学会第 129 回大会
2021/9/3 Naoshi Kondo: NARO-FFTC (Food and Fertilizer Technology Cenber for the Asian Pacific Region) International Symposium2021”Data-Driven Agriculture in the Asian and Pacific Region-To ensure productivity and sustainability,” “Fluorescence Technology Based Super Precision Agriculture for Small Scale Smart (SSS) Farming”, Keynote speech, (online, 2021/09/03)
2021/7/10 Naoshi Kondo: 2021 International Conference on Smart Agriculture Innovation Development (ICSAID 2021), “Fluorescence Imaging Sensor for Small Scale Distributed Smar Farming,” Invited Keynote Speech, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 中国農業大学主催,中国農業工程学会,中国農業機械学会共催 (online, 2021/7/10)
2021/7/9 近藤 直:レーザー学会「スマート農食産業へのレーザー応用」21年度第一回専門委員会,「農畜水産物の情報化に向けて」(online 2021/7/9)
2021/7/6 Naoshi Kondo: The fifth International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy (ICGAB 2021), “Small Scale Distributed Smart Farming to Achieve Food Security and Agro-Food Industries”, Plenary Speech,, Faculty of Argicultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia, (online, July 6, 2021)
2021/5/12,13 Naoshi Kondo: The 14th TSAE International Conference & the 22nd TSAE National Conference, Keynote Speech: “Start with Development of More Precise Sensing Technologies for Agriculture, Livestock and Aquaculture”, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, Online