過去の学会発表 2022〜2023
2023/3/13 Naoshi Kondo: Digital Transformation for Sustainable Asian Small Scale Intensive Agriculture, Keynote Speech, International Joint Workshop on DX Research and Education to Realize Sustainable Food Production, March 13, 2023, Fukuoka, Japan
2023/3/7 Tetsuhito Suzuki:"Light & sound-based sensing technologies for products of agriculture, livestock and aquaculture", Invited Speech, International Webinar of "Technology Innovation Towards Smart and Sustainable Future" organized by Biosystems Engineering Department, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia.
2022/11/24 白神慧一郎, 森田美穂: "HOH変角振動スペクトルに着目した水素結合環境の解明",第3回 日本Aquaphotomics研究会,和歌山
2022/11/22 Yuichi Ogawa: "Near-field dielectric sensor array with 65-GHz CMOS oscillators sensitive to the amount of bulk water," SENSORS-eCon 2022 online (Invited).
2022/11/16-18 Shota Yamazaki, Yuya Ueno, Yuichi Ogawa, Masahiko Harata, and Hiromichi Hoshina: "THz irradiation effects on morphology of actin protein and cell function,"The Third International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology (FTT 2022), Phoenix Plaza, Fukui, Japan/a>
2022/11/16 Naoshi Kondo:"Super Precision Agriculture to Food Tech for Consumers' Diversified Preference and Sustainable Agriculture", Invited Speech, ISMAB 2022, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2022/11/16 Naoshi Kondo:"Collaboration with Companies and Governmental Research Institutes for Modernization of Agriculture", Invited Speech, , ISMAB 2022, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2022/11/15-16 Jun Kondo, Naoshi Kondo, Hiroshi Nakashima, Garry J.Piller:"Monitoring Water movement in a Model Soil Container System Using Fluorescenct Target", ISMAB 2022, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2022/11/15-16 YiJing Wu, Chao-Yin Tsai, Pauline Ong, Naoshi Kondo, Suming Chen:"Intelligent Detection of Apple Browning by Fluorescence Imaging", ISMAB 2022, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2022/10/8 小川雄一 :"テラヘルツ分光法による細胞計測とその応用展開(招待講演)”,電子セラミック・プロセス研究会,京都タワー
2022/9/29 小川雄一 :"テラヘルツ波を用い塗布物等の影響を低減した皮膚水分計測技術”, 化粧品開発展アカデミックフォーラム,インデックス大阪
2022/9/23 Keiichiro Shiraga: "Water Dynamics in Cells Based on Dielectric Responses in the Terahertz Region", 第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (Invited).
2022/9/23 Keiichiro Shiraga : "Water Dynamics in Cells Based on Dielectric Responses in the Terahertz Region", 第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (Invited).
2022/8/25 Naoshi Kondo: Smart farming in Japan, Invited Speech, AWC2022, Gwangju, Korea.
2022/8/5 Naoshi Kondo: Optical Sensing Technologies for Sustainable Production, Invited Speech, CLEO-PR2022/ISOM'22/ODF'22, Sapporo, Japan.
2022/7/16 白神慧一郎 : "分光学的手法による水分子ダイナミクスの可視化", 水分子の生命科学研究会.