平成20年度 京都大学農産加工学研究室 第4回Open Seminarのお知らせ

タイトル: ” 精密農業の拡大展望 --生産から消費者--“

講演者: Dr. Marc Vanacht (President, AG Business Consultants, University City, Missouri, USA) 

日時: 2008年11月13日(木),16:30〜18:00

場所: 京都大学農学部総合館2階 W-214室(講義室)

内容: BusinessWeek Magazine, May 12, 2008, p.27-28 says “Using sophisticated computer systems and global positioning satellites, a farmer can modify the amount of fertilizer, seeds and water applied within a single field based on varying soil and moisture conditions. Techniques such as these bring efficiency gains of between 8% and 15%.” Precision Agriculture will manage the variability of yield potential, manage the variability of vulnerability of soil and water resources, optimise ratem space & timing of inputs. World is now worrying about the quality of food supply such as BSE, spinach scare, foods with salmonella, listeria, norovirus, nitric acid, arsenic, wire, lead, melamine, cyanuric acid and so on. It is amazing that 76 m illnesses and 5000 deaths are yearly reported. In this seminar, a wide view of precision agriculture will be presented as one of the biggest technologies for solving the problems. Many new concepts of value chain include technology and globalization with more emphasis on “Services” vs.”Goods” and “Quality” vs. “Commodity”, which is information driven, is not just logistics driven.

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