平成21年度 京都大学農産加工学研究室 第1回Open Seminarのお知らせ

タイトル: ”Application of Precision Agriculture for Citrus Production“(カンキツ生産のための精密農業の応用)

講演者: Prof. Reza Ehsani (CREC, University of Florida, USA) 

日時: 2009年7月7日(火),16:30〜17:30

場所: 京都大学農学部総合館4階 W-406室(講義室)

内容: The goal of precision agriculture is to manage crop inputs on a site-specific basis to reduce waste, increase profits, and maintain the quality of the environment. Although the precision agriculture concept is the same for all crops, the ways they are implemented are crop and location-specific. In this seminar, current issues and challenges as well as the components of precision agriculture for citrus production in Florida will be discussed. New sensors under development for yield monitoring, tree canopy measurement, variable rate spraying will be discussed. In addition, there will be a discussion on disease detection and its importance in today’s citrus production system in Florida.

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